Anyone used to commute by bike?

Any indie hackers out there used to commute by bike before the world changed?

What exercises are you doing now, as many of us are working from home?

posted to
on July 21, 2020
  1. 1

    Still riding everyday; bringing our toddler to kindergarten [which makes my current commute 5x harder but 10x more enjoyable than it used to be haha] - living in Lisbon

  2. 1

    I'm still getting out on my bike when I can although I don't like going on short rides as I've been in 2 pretty serious accidents and there are no hills and a lot of traffic around me (I live in London, UK).

    I also got some resistance rollers about a year ago to get back into cycling to help with recovery. They have been pretty great for 30 minute sessions, way better than normal turbo trainers.

    1. 1

      I also got some resistance rollers about a year ago to get back into cycling to help with recovery.

      Do they integrate with Zwift or any other app? I thought of buying one during the lockdown.

      Traffic in London is pretty aggressive with bikes sometimes. I also live in London, but in Kingston. Traffic is a bit calmer here

  3. 1

    Still riding my friend.

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