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Are you eligible to receive money from Apple?

This wasn't covered by a lot of mainstream media (prob. due to strong PR pressure by Apple), so wanted to give it more exposure here:

According to a very recent lawsuit settlement, U.S. developers will be able to submit claims and get $250 to $30,000 from Apple. This is the website for submitting the claim.

The requirements:

You may be included in this settlement and entitled to receive a payment if you are or were a U.S. developer of any Apple iOS application or in-app product (including subscriptions) that:

  1. Was sold for a non-zero price;

  2. Was sold via Apple’s iOS App Store between 2015 and 2021; and

  3. Earned, together with any other iOS applications or in-app products (including subscriptions) sold through all of your associated developer accounts, proceeds equal to or less than $1,000,000.00 through the App Store U.S. storefront in every calendar year from 2015 to 2021 in which you had a developer account.

There are approximately 67,000 eligible developers, according to the settlement. Curious if any IHers are part of this list?

  1. 2

    Wild. I saw this too, sounds like Apple is already going to pay ~$100M, which for a multi-trillion dollar business isn't much. This is a slap on the wrist for them financially. However, this one paragraph could impact them long term.

    The biggest concession will see Apple allowing developers to use communications like email to share information about payment methods available outside of iOS apps. Developers will not pay Apple a commission on purchases that take place outside of the ‌App Store‌.

    Also, if anyone here is eligible for it, make sure to register fast. The eligibility for the payment ends sometime in May 2022 I believe, which is only a few months away. The highest payout is ~$30K it seems, definitely not an amount to sneeze at.

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