Are you wondering how to gain subscribers to a founder's X account from scratch?

Hello, hackers

6 months ago I started X and this week I got my 1500th subscriber.

I think it could have been 5,000 by now. I don't think those are big numbers for 6 months of work.

However, I can showing what my team and I do every day and what our conversions are. We even count the hours spent on X because we're obsessed with numbers and efficiency, so we measure the results every week.

💬 Are you interested in this?

Perhaps knowing the numbers (time and conversion) will help you calculate the efforts needed to reach your goals.   Or some of you have more experience and will be able to share tips with me?

  1. 2

    I am interested in this! Currently I have little traction across all platforms, but that's probably due to inconsistency, as I primarily prioritize my time towards developing my product, so that it's ready for big traffic :)

    1. 1

      Thanks! I'll try to find time and put out a post next week 🤞

    2. 1

      Regarding consistency - I recommend Typefully. Helped me post every day. WHAT to post though… 🤷‍♂️ still learning that one 😂

  2. 2

    I'm only curious about this

    why is your last name asian but you're not 😂😂

    1. 1

      thanks for it! 🤝

  3. 1

    I would be very interested in this! I'm using Twitter (X) myself for years now, but I'm pretty new to the Indie Hacker/Software Community

    1. 1

      thanks for your answer 🙏

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