Asking for seo advices

Hello! I'm starting a blog for solopreneurs. I want to grow it organically.
I wrote some articles, but I don't have any organic search users.
I use Yoast SEO plugin on my wordpress and the KPIs of the plugin say that the articles are not optimized for SEO.
What should I do?

posted to Icon for group SEO
on May 17, 2023
  1. 6

    I suggest you decide on a target keyword. Let's say you run an online shop and your target keyword is "Buying Banana's". (In the following, I will explain how to build a content cluster)

    Then I would write a long article (10,000 words?) ("The ultimate guide to buying Banana's") where you touch upon every possible topic you can image about buying Banana's (but don't go too much in depth). To get inspiration about what could be subtopics for the guide "The ultimate guide to buying Banana's" you can check out google auto suggest, https://alsoasked.com/ and/or lowfruits.io.

    Once you have this overview article, you then write 30-40 articles (1,500 words) about each subtopic you touched upon in the ultimate guide article. Get a koala.sh subscription, you can bulk create articles - they need touch up, but it'll save you a lot of time. In each of the articles you link back to the ultimate guide article.

    Please make sure to index all articles. Go to Google Search Console, enter the url of your article in the top search bar and check if it's indexed (if not, index it).

    If you can build this cluster in a month, you should start to see results.

    1. 1

      This is good stuff @cerealkiller. I would defo read more if you wrote about this topic. Also I'm looking for partners now, and SEO is a skill I'm going after. I have been CEO for 2 companies for the last 3 years, and have a storong background in sales.

      If you are interested on potential partnerships, we can talk more

      1. 1

        sounds great. Can you dm me on twitter? (somehow couldnt find you)

        1. 1

          Are you @cerealkiller in twitter too?? Let me know and I'll dm you there

    2. 1

      Thanks! I will try

  2. 2

    To improve your blog's organic growth and optimize your articles for SEO you can focus on these points:

    1- Perform keyword research and incorporate relevant keywords.
    2- Optimize on-page elements like titles, meta descriptions, headings, and URLs.
    3- Create high-quality, valuable content that addresses your target audience's needs.
    4- Include internal and external links within your articles.
    5- Ensure your blog is mobile-friendly and fast-loading.
    6- Promote your articles on social media.
    7- Publish content consistently and monitor your website's performance.
    8- Be patient and persistent as SEO results take time to show.

  3. 2

    In my point of view, you can focus on Link building by building a strong backlinks from authoritative websites in your industry. You can seek opportunities for guest blogging or collaborations to obtain relevant and reputable backlinks. This will definitely bring organic results for you website...Finally, tracking plays a vital role in all the works you do... Use a SEO Tool to measure your website performance and reach higher in your SEO jounery...

  4. 2

    Where are you from? Would localization be feasible to you?
    You could maybe starting with location-specific keywords, which usually are an easier start, and build a community. Once you reached certain numbers, you can then proceed to the next level (a wider area) with a solid audience (and SEO authority, traffic, etc) already in place

    1. 1

      Thanks. Is a good advice. I am from Argentina.
      I think I could read about solopreneurship from latam.

  5. 2

    read the blog of ahrefs, it's the most interesting and useful info. And it's free...

    1. 1

      Thanks! I will see it

  6. 2

    You need a content promotion strategy. Where can you post these articles that resonate with solopreneurs? For example, most solopreneurs follow the funnel -> eng jobs, fucking hate working at eng job, do side projects, find pm fit.

    Each step has several main sites that you can promote your content. In eng jobs, we have hacker news, blind, eng subreddits, and twitter, etc etc.

  7. 1

    That's a tough question.
    Are you using a keyword research or tracking tool of any kind?

    One strategy you might try is to look at the top ranking websites in your niche. What are they writing?

    Ranking on the first page of the search results involves many factors, including your website's overall credibility--which comes with time and engagement. But one fundamental strategy is to write something better and more valuable than your competitors.

    Check out the free video series Blogging for Business from Ahrefs , too. That will give you a nice overview of the topic.

    1. 1

      I use google and some extentions as ubersuggest and keyword surffer.
      Thanks for the advice!

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