Auto-renewable subscriptions are not allowed in India, so what to do?

Regulations in India prevent Android subscriptions from renewing, this also means that free trials don't work in India. We normally offer a $5 monthly subscription for premium plan with 3 day free trial in our app (https://coinpush.app).

Now I have to create some "consumable" plans for this country. Pricing like $X for week, $Y for one month and $Z for 3 months are first solutions that come to mind.

Would you have any suggestions about this?

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    You could sell redeemable codes that extend the "subscription" by a month/week/3 months/whatever. Multiple codes can then be accumulated and you can remind your subscribers that they will have to buy more codes before the subscription runs out. Basically like a pre-paid sim card.

    1. 2

      Nice idea, but wouldn't it be better to stick with in-app purchases to keep it simple for now? I was thinking about in-app purchase options like "This purchase will set/extend your premium plans end to this date."

      1. 2

        Good idea, yes. The only thing I would add is to send a reminder before the plan ends.

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