Automated workflows. Do you plan them?

I've become curious about no-code operator's
and their workflow processes.

In particular, automated workflow planning.

is it worth planning at all?

With complex automation, do you feel the need to have a copy of how "things" connect outside of the automation platforms you use for them?

if yes do you use?:

is it visuals (arrows & boxes)?
is it text?
what platform?

Would love for you to share your thoughts

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    Yes, I plan my automated workflows in advance. This helps me to ensure that all tasks are carried out smoothly and efficiently. I've had workflows send the wrong emails before and it causes way more headache then it's worth!

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      Thanks for your feedback Alex,

      How do you "plan" your workflows in advance? what do you use?

      I use Figma for the most part but I've been building SaaS product
      that helps with planning workflows which is why I'm so curious about

      Automation/workflow builders processes

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