Where are You Promoting your saas?

Where are You Promoting your saas?
I am promoting https://localy.ai/ ON REDDIT , TWITTER is there any more plafroms where i can promote my product?

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    in the beginning you have to do things that dont scale. so do whatever it takes to get your first customers.

    I search relevant topics on twitter, find people who are engaging and seem interested in my subect, and DM them an offer they cant refuse.

    once you see how well this works, just automate the process

    1. 1

      Thanks for this advice that makes sense

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    Try to list it on as many website directories as possible. This is particularly important for AI tools, as there are many directories available for those.

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    You can start sharing your SaaS on directories like betalist, onepagelove, 10words, and many others.

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    I think AppSumo is a pretty popular option, and sometimes newsletters are effective for promotion.

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      I contacted with Appsumo they said they will list My Product Next Year What to Do Please Guide Me

    2. 1

      But how do you convert lifetime subscriptions into MRR after that?

      1. 1

        For AppSumo, I’d say cross/up-sells + referrals

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    We curated a list of directories only for AI products.

    Hopefully you find them useful: https://webdirectorycenter.com/

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    All the best for your product.

    Listing on AI platforms is a good idea.

    We are listing AI startups on 60+ directories in 7 days.

    Let me know if you are interested.

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    Hey mate! Reddit, Twitter, Product Hunt and here could be enough if you work it with consistency. Anyway there's another post here that talk about it https://khadinakbar.gumroad.com/l/saas-growth-kit

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    you can check out bestaidirectories.com for a list of ai directories and the traffic they can bring you

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    I promote my SaaS through my website, social media, and email marketing. Collaborate with partners/influencers and consider paid ads, community engagement, and relevant events for outreach.

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      Hey question. For email marketing, do you buy email lists? or use a different strategy? Any solid approaches would be great. Thanksss

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    You can use these platforms to publish your articles about your product:

    • HackerNoon. My favorite resource is where you can post articles on almost any topic and promote your product. Hackernoon automatically translates your article into twelve languages and makes an audio file for listeners.

    • Medium. On this platform, you won't get instant impact and you won't get thousands of views. However, once search engines index your articles, you will get regular views and potential users.

    • Devto. On this platform, you can talk about your project from a technical point of view. The users of this site are techies, and they love it.

  11. 1

    I recommend you to start with ProductHunt, Reddit and YCombinator's HackerNews

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