The quickest way to increase landing page conversion

When it comes to increasing your landing page conversion, you're probably thinking you need an expensive and time-consuming re-design.

You don't.

The truth is, a redesign may look good, but rarely has a big impact on conversion.

We've overseen 100s of landing page tests for clients and see this time and time again.

The best way to increase conversion?

Re-work your copy.

The good news is it's quick to do and has a big impact.

The bad news is, many founders get stuck, and end up with copy that doesn't click with potential customers visiting their landing page.

That's why today we're launching Mine My Reviews!

It analyses your testimonials and reviews and uncovers what your customers love about you in their own words.

Armed with this info, you can update your landing pages, ads, emails, blog posts and other marketing materials.

You'll have copy that connects with your visitors, and converts them at a higher rate.

And it's totally free!

I'd love you to give it a try and use it to improve your copy!


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    This looks interesting. However, I disagree that reworking copy can be more impactful than a redesign, especially when using no-code tools like Webflow or Framer to create and maintain a website.

    While your tool might be useful for enhancing page copywriting, the best results will likely come from a combination of both improved copywriting and design, working collaboratively to achieve these goals.

  2. 1

    Nice idea!

    Would be good to add topic modelling and sentiment analysis to this if you’re not doing it already.

    Based on the feedback and analysis, I am wondering if using NLP generative models might be a good fit to suggest better landing pages automatically.

    Also, if one can take succesful landing pages, and derive features you can measure a target page against, you can also measure a current quality score and use that to optimise the improved landing page quality. It can give you an idea of where you need to improve without the testimonials (useful for new pages).

    I can see tremendous value in this, not just for landing pages, but overall quality measurement of a website. Think about answering questions such as “How does my design compare with that of Apple?”, “What can I improve on my site to get my information across faster?”, or “Which aspects of my site needs to be under a menu as it might be resulting in an information overload?”.

    All of the best to you!

  3. 1

    Looks something different, would surely consider it for optimizing my landing pages!

  4. 1

    Love the approach of using testimonials for copy improvement. Just working on Calmmind.ai's landing page. Would you mind giving it a quick look and sharing your thoughts? Appreciate it! 🙌

  5. 1

    Thanks for providing a valuable resource that can help businesses enhance their conversion rates with customer-centric messaging. I will definelty check this and I hope I will increase Qatar Guides Conversions as well.

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