CommandStick - A New Human Computer Interface

Would love to get the communities' feedback on Command Stick(CS). It is a new kind of Human to Computer interface designed to work across the platforms smartwatch, mobile, desktop, automotive and IOT.

Demo video
 → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcpqDrXD5po

I built CS to work like a virtual joystick so that It would be adaptive, fun to use and productive. In the future updates users & developers will be able to customize various aspects of CS.

Here's a link to the Chrome extension of the CS
 → bit.ly/40oglla

Feel free to book a slot with me if you'd like some assistance setting up CS.

All feedback is appreciated!

  1. 1

    It's difficult to get people to change to something that takes effort to learn when navigating the web normally works just fine and isn't really a pain point for most people

    1. 1

      Agreed! Thankfully the concepts behind Command Stick are not limited to our Chrome extension.

      Our Android mobile and WearOS3 apps deliver significant value over the status quo. I look forward releasing them to get your feedback.

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