Who is creating apps for profit?

I am looking for people who get income from their own apps, because I would like to start such a side hustle

  1. 2

    There is alot of them. Probably best to research it first. Also, when you say aps, you mean mobile apps, web apps or what exactly do you mean. Be more specific :)

    You have all the info you need here in IH or go to twitter to connect with the makers directly.

    All the best!

  2. 1

    Hey, I just joined indiehackers and I'm not sure yet how this works. I searched the franchisees keyword and found another post you did a few Years back about looking for franchises in Germany. I'm actually right now looking for franchisees and living in Germany so I wanted to reply but couldn't, so, replying here as I just registered and not sure yet how this website works, but I didn't want to lose your contact. So if you're still interested and you like the event ticketing area, let me know!

  3. 1

    I'm looking for mobile app ideas and hoping to earn a profit from this app too.

  4. 1

    Mobile apps?
    I'm working on one.
    It's bigger than the average app, but the solution being solved is bigger than an average problem.

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