Google allegedly infiltrated by "cult-like religious sect"

They apparently gained power at Google years ago and started hiring people from within their own "fellowship". Now a former employee is suing.

A lot of cults coming out of the woodwork lately 🤔

  1. 1

    That would explain their insanely hard DP problems during interviews... 😅

  2. 1

    Google is a seed fund for bad behavior.

  3. 1

    I recently watched the Teal Swan documentary. Doesn't make me want to work at Google at all.

    Then again, I never did.

  4. 1

    Aha! Now I know why they didn't hire me years back. Wasn't my lack of qualifications at all 😂

    1. 1

      Am sure you will be wondering then why you were not hired when you know within you that you are qualified for the job. Now you know 😊

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