Hot design trends for user attention?

I'll start, I came across a "Navigation/CTA bar" that I found really interesting on Awwards website.

What do you think?

posted to
Web and App Design Ideas
on August 17, 2023
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    The bottom nav is interesting. Driven by mobile phones, I imagine. It's only been what, 8ish months since Safari added the option to move the address bar to the bottom of the iphone? I absolutely love it. I would not be surprised to see web browsers eventually take a similar step in terms of standardizing it.


    I've only seen a few of these layouts so far, but I do love the creativity of a "chat" interface. It's new for me, and I find it really engaging to read through.

    1. 2

      I couldn't not agree more on bottom nav. Here's a good example that I encountered the other day.


      As for the chat, I find it very interesting maybe you are onto something. I just find that is a lot of text.

      Gave you a follow, I need more creative people around me :)

      1. 1

        It's definitely a lot of text. I guess I just find it interesting because it has a personal connotation to it. I only get texts (usually) from people I surround myself with. So seeing that as an interface sort of makes me feel connected to them, I guess?

        I don't think it would last if you started seeing it everywhere, though. It'd wear out pretty fast I think haha

        1. 1

          I feel you, feels personal. I like how you think!

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