[B2B] Fully open or closed behind demo?

Hey folks!

I'm looking for some advice and suggestions on best practices for selling software to companies and agencies. I have a ton of experience launching consumer products, but curious as to the best way to approach selling to other businesses.

In the past, we've purchased a handful of software for my agency which were gated behind custom pricing deals, sales teams and personalized demos. It was often required to pay annually for these, some of which would be upwards of $50k+ per year.

I've been building an internal product for my agency for the past few months that we have been dogfooding, and it's helped us increase our close rate for business proposals by 40%, while reducing the amount of time taken to submit a proposal from 4 minutes to 25 seconds. Through this change, we have been able to reduce the size of the business development team and shift those resources to other place within the organization. I see the immediate value and cost savings the tool is providing and am pivoting the mechanics a bit to be able to be used by other agencies and businesses, hence the conversation around the best way to structure pricing.

Would it be better to consider a fully transparent product which everyone can use and choose their own plan, or is there merit to a more customized and tailored onboarding flow/customer sales journey?

For context, pending more customer validation but I think a reasonable price point would be between $1000-$1500/mo paid annually. Would the best route for this to be gated, or something open to the public?

If there's not enough information to support the question, let me know and I'd be happy to provide more context. Thanks a ton for your insights/suggestions in advance

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