Transferring Stripe account after sale?

What is the best way to transfer a Stripe account to someone after the sale of a company? I have a few people interested in acquiring one of my side projects but I can't figure out how to give it to them. I want to make sure the new owners aren't running the business under my bank accounts/tax id/etc.

I found this article. But I'm not sure of the process still, am I supposed to enter the new owners information myself after its made editable? Or would I make them a staff member/admin and have them edit it?

I also found this article. It clearly covers how to give ownership of the account but never mentions how/when they remove my billing/account information and input their own. I've heard Stripe would automatically prompt them but I've found no confirmation.

I contacted Stripe support and they said I could go the route of the second option but didn't clarify the part about when then enter their new info. I'll be reaching back out but was hoping someone here could help out in the meantime since this has to be a common thing for indie hackers. If anyone could explain this in dumbed down way for me that would be great.

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