B2C - What to prioritize at this stage?

I'm building a tool that trains young software engineers how to practice for coding interviews.

Right now, the first three pages are free, though you can only access it if you found a direct link. I have people signing up for the waitlist, but the response rate after reaching out is pretty low. I'm wondering, since this is a B2C product, if I should make the tool more publicly accessible to so I can receive more feedback, at least until the MVP is done.

Here are the changes I'm considering:

  1. Link from the landing page to the tool content (I was going to do this when the product actually launches and I have a pricing page ready, but maybe I should do this early?)
  2. Make majority of the content free and publicly accessible (though still need to be member to see hints, solutions, and to save progress). This would help with SEO as well
  3. Set up a pricing page now with a discount
  4. Create a separate free section/course, as a funnel for the main content

What should I prioritize to get interested users to actually convert?

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