Repurpose Podcasts into Blog posts?

Hey Indie Podcasters,

I'm creating a SaaS tool to automatically transform podcast transcripts into blog posts (using GPT3 AI and other API's to summarise and rewrite it).

Would this be useful for you?

I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below (or just answer the poll if you can't be bothered to reply ;)...)

thank you in advance!!! :)

Would this be useful for you?
  1. yes, I'm interested!
  2. no, not for me :(
  1. 2

    I am always skeptical of these kinds of AI tools, but intrigued by the idea nonetheless. I’ve definitely seen tools that go the other way - make your blog post into a podcast. But not this direction.

    1. 1

      Hey Colin, do you have a podcast? If so, let me make you a blog post :)

    2. 1

      Link me to a podcast of yours (that would be ideal as a blog) and I can showcase an example for you?

      I understand why you are skeptical - but if this did work, how useful would it be for you?

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