Launched DeutschTechJobs, an easy way to find tech-jobs in Germany for expats

Hi there 👋

When I decided to make the move to move from India to Europe, I felt exhausted and overwhelmed by the daunting task of searching for the perfect tech opportunity across countless job boards.

This led me and my co-founder to build DeutschTechJobs.

In a nutshell, DeutschTechJobs is a meticulously curated platform for tech jobs in the German market, designed to make your job search a breeze!

We aggregate a comprehensive list of Tech jobs and companies in Germany and currently have over 1000 listed job opportunities. With tech jobs updated daily, spanning diverse industries and positions, we are constantly expanding our sources to bring you even more of the best job options. With DeutschTechJobs, you can finally streamline your job search and unlock a world of Tech opportunities!

We've also just launched on PH, would appreciate the support and any feedback you have 🙏

🔗 https://www.deutschtechjobs.com
🔗 https://www.producthunt.com/posts/deutschtechjobs

  1. 1

    Hi Moniet, hope it works for you! Do you backfill your job board on your own or are you using a Jobs API? I collect and sell job postings as datasets (e.g., on AWS Data Exchange) and via an API on RapidAPI (see https://jobdatafeeds.com/) and would like to get more feedback.

  2. 1

    Hi, nice website but did you already stopped you project? I couldn't find any job on your site. Can you share where you get the job postings to backfill your jobboard? I've just released a new Job Posting API v2 and would be interested what the competition has to offer.

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