I made this: AssetsAI | AI powered, unique & curated assets for your games

So my side project is finally out now : http://www.assetsai.art
You can get unique and curated, AI generated game assets to inspire you on your game development journey and get unique avatars for your games.
Inspired by Pieter Levels and Danny Postma
and a number of other folks working with Generative AI and its quirks, I tried my hands on it and was quite impressed by the possibilities!
My goal was to build something in 2 weeks and although I was able to get the project up in less than that, It took some manual lifting which took me an extra week. Anyways, it's out now for you to explore!
Feedback is welcome: https://forms.reform.app/GgtmWH/AssetsAIFeedback/m5bw5r

posted to
Micro SaaS
on November 22, 2022
  1. 2

    This is awesome. great job

  2. 2

    Looks super useful for game devs! I've added it to SaaS AI Tools (directory of AI tools).

    1. 1

      Thanks for adding it to SaaS AI Tools! Appreciate it!

  3. 1

    This is cool. A project I worked on during the pandemic was a mobile game so I have some experience in game dev. I do have a few questions.

    1. What exactly are the assets? Are they only images? Or are some 3D models?
    2. How do you determine what goes up for sale on the website? Is it reviewed by a human?

    Nice work

    1. 2

      Thanks for checking it out.
      As for your questions, here are my thoughts on them:

      1. Yes they are images only, for now. Hopefully, with the advancement of tech in the coming days, I'll be able to generate 3D models from them directly!
      2. Currently, I am the only one generating and curating the assets, so yes they are reviewed by a human.
  4. 1

    Not a game dev, so I don't know, how often do they need concept art assets like this?

    1. 1

      I haven't done extensive research but the plan was to not entirely make it a marketplace, but also serve as an inspiration repository for the developers.
      Also, gamers can use the characters (and other upcoming assets) in their games as avatars and such

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