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Feedback on "Springboard"

Hi there,

I'd love some feedback on a product we built during March 2023. It took 2-3 weeks in total.

The elevator pitch:

  • "Save hours of research before your rapidly approaching meeting or workshop..."

Who should use it?

  • Project Managers.

  • Design Sprinters.

  • User Experience Designers.

  • Product Designers.

  • Basically any people approaching a meeting with a "new" client, and need to get up to speed asap with the client's market; competitors; etc etc to have an overview.

---- It's at: https://app.thespringboard.ai/

Selfishly, we also wanted to play with ChatGPT and see what could be done in a short period of time.

Would really like your feedback on this, on everything from concept to execution

  1. 1

    So, I had the chance to use Springboard.

    I think that it is a decent product and does help me save time with research.

    Springboard also gave me understanding that while prompt engineering would be beneficial, it would "productized" prompt engineering that will win the day.

    It is easy to use and easy to sign up.

    If you're interested in a more comprehensive feedback for you via Growth Audit to build a Growth Strategy upon.

    Here is an example of a Growth Audit:

    Here is an example of a Growth Strategy, too:

    If you are interested, feel free to schedule a video call with me here: https://calendly.com/omnisaas/30min?month=2023-04

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