Introducing Twitter Notes: long form essays up to 2,500 words

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    Smart move on Twitter's part. People are already saying that it's dumb to write on Twitter instead of on your own blog or newsletter, but that's not true for most people.

    The primary challenge of writing, besides the writing itself, is distribution. It's reaching a bigger audience. Twitter helps you do that better than any blogging or newsletter platform in existence, thanks to the retweet and the algorithmic feed.

    Is there platform risk writing for Twitter? Yes. But growth requires risk. IMO it's better to write for Twitter, build an audience, and then take your audience elsewhere, then it is to write for your own platform and maintain strict control over an audience you never end up building.

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      Thanks for sharing Allen :)

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      It's kind of the same with Medium.
      I hope Twitter will allow customizing the canonical URL so you can cross-post your content!

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    So they're turning into a blog platform. This will be interesting.

    I think we saw this coming after Twitter threads with 10+ tweets became so popular. Why do threads when you can do...notes?

    It will be interesting to see how they handle the discoverability piece..will these be shown alongside ordinary tweets?

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    While I'd like to think this will kill off threads, over on LinkedIn people continued to make "react with different emojis to vote for x y or z" posts after polls were introduced, just for engagement.

    Let's see how the Twitter algorithm promotes / relegates Notes vs. threads!

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    This may be a dumb question, but why would someone not just write on their blog and also post it on Twitter? What is the harm in doing that? In response to the people who are saying you should not write on Twitter.

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      Native reading experience on Twitter vs. having to go on an external platform

      It might not strike you as friction, but it is for the vast majority of casual users.

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