Apparently today Twitter's MC is some former Meta employee who bought a $1.5M home in Seattle, got laid off, and can't pay the mortgage.

  1. 3

    From the twitter thread:

    "how often do YOU make financial decisions based on the expectation that YOUR income is gonna DROP significantly over time?"

    All the time.

    It's literately why we all spend time here ;)

  2. 2

    what's a twitter MC?

    1. 1

      Same question - wondering hard!

  3. 2

    Nothing new or special about this. And sad to say, a $1.5 million house in Seattle isn't a big deal. Since the original 'dot.com' era, a lot of founders of startups in the Seattle area (having left or, been booted from, established companies) followed the same path.

  4. 1

    I live near DC where all $1.5mm gets you is a split level 4BR built in the 70s

  5. 1

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