Does anyone try the new authentication with session tokens?

I was trying to follow the doc: https://shopify.dev/tutorials/authenticate-your-app-using-session-tokens

But it was quite hard with Python / Django. Can you go through the steps?

In particular, I was stuck in getting session token with App Bridge. How can I get the session token? There was too little information from the official doc.

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    After a week of hard work, I've finished JWT auth. For anyone who is still strugging, feel free to refer to the thread: https://community.shopify.com/c/Shopify-APIs-SDKs/Introducing-cookieless-authentication-beta-with-App-Bridge/td-p/824484

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    Interesting, may be if you like log a ticket here https://www.teckiy.com we can work together

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    Have you tried asking Shopify dev support? They're pretty responsive.

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      Yes, I asked on forum and emailed the dev support team. Shopify may be supportive to merchants but not developers, especially python developers.

      They prioritize supporting node and rails. I think this is well-known for all shopify app developers

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        I think the reason why Shopify will have more response to node and rails is cause shopify is built on top of Rails and js has a wider user adoption. having said that, have you tried raising an issue on this git https://github.com/Shopify/shopify_python_api

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          No, but I raised an issue on the django sample app provided by Shopify: https://github.com/Shopify/shopify_django_app

          The sample app works. I can set up within an hour. But it doesn't include new auth and embedded app implementation.

          I also left a comment on the Shopify community. However, there is no reply yet. In fact, I can hardly get any reply for technical questions.

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