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How would you promote this in India?


I'm building a WhatsApp reminder bot that works like in the attached picture.
You tell the bot of a reminder and a time, and the bot reminds you when the time comes.

You can tell it specific times like "on tuesday april 4th at 8:30 am" or relative times like "in 7 days"/"in 19 mins". Our parser takes care of interpreting the time from the general message.

We've had luck in LatinAmerica without paying for ads. We once had a random Argentinian influencer promote the bot out of his own will.

We would now like to grasp interest in India. How would you promote this in India? Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.

PS: in case you want to try it out, you can do so at https://api.whatsapp.com/send/?phone=17163094376

  1. 1

    First - don't use 'John' in your marketing :)
    One thing about India is it is hyper localized. Whatsapp is widely used in local language.

    In India whatsapp means 'free'. So I am not sure if people will pay for this service.
    You need to build something more than just reminder service.

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