Anyone using Terraform for their DevOps?

I just recently started getting into Terraform and I am blown away by what you can do with it.

I wanted to learn it, specifically related to AWS, so I decided to setup a production ready “Hello World” environment. I set it up with Github > CodePipeline / CodeBuild > ECR > ECS (Fargate) > ELB > Route 53. I also did all of the VPC work and IAM work as well. It was a great learning experience.

Who else is using Terraform? If you are, what are you using it for?

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    I'm not only using it, I'm building a whole framework on top of Terraform. It includes the Terraform modules and providers, helps you bootstrap a repository and integrate everything with CI/CD. www.kubestack.com

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      Kubestack looks great! How's adoption?

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        Getting there, Github stars and container image downloads are rising steadily.

        More importantly, the Slack channel and Github issues show people are using the framework to build production infrastructure.

        There's also been a number of smaller and a few bigger contributions recently. I'm especially excited about those.

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    Hi Chris!

    I currently use Terraform in the day job to do almost the exact same setup you have, although we mainly use it to set up our initial VPC/ECS/ELB/Route 53 environments.

    The general setup is:

    • Use Terraform for the infrastructure setup and VPC subnet definitions
    • Use our CI/CD (Atlassian) and Ansible to deploy our daily / weekly builds to said environment.

    This is due to a history of how we started with Ansible initially.

    Do you use CodePipeline / CodeBuild to actually push (and start) the Fargate containers?

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      I do use CodeBuild. I have a CodePipeline setup to pull code from Github, build the Docker images, send them to ECR, then update the Fargate ECS task definitions to the latest Container images.

      All of it is setup in Terraform with a buildspec.yaml file in the repo.

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    Maybe you have already studied it.
    Because now we develop a solution to create and manage cloud environments with ease. It is all based on a Terraform language HCL.
    Battle-tested cloud infra built-as-code with Terraform for AWS. Helps to manage cloud environments provision entire regions with a few clicks.

    • Provision new environments with a few clicks
    • Manage existing environments and deployments
    • Detect configuration drifts and rollback buggy deployments
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    I am using it for everything for work. The biggest use is setting up an automation pipeline to allow developers to provision their own infrastructure rather than asking anyone on the platform team do to it for them.

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    Probably a lot of them, including me.

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      What does your setup look like?

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