Are you being fired/let go from work this season? This is what you should know...

After a crazy couple of years for folks in tech, now the economy seems to have finally realised that some things were a little overcooked.


  • Hiring and hiring budgets
  • Company valuations and stock prices
  • My ability in making home-made bread

If you're one of the hundreds of thousands being let go from a company this month, don't blame yourself first and foremost.
Here's a cumulative list of people being let go - updated in near real-time: https://layoffs.fyi/

💙 You didn't deserve what's happening, it is not your fault.

Losing your job during a financial crisis and the collapse of the tech stock market is definitely not something to take lightly and it's definitely not the best way to spend the rest of your summer...(if you need to talk to someone about it drop me a DM on Twitter)

Being let go from a company during a financial meltdown is just part of the universe. It has nothing to do with Karma.

99% chance you were hired to do a job which one day someone sitting at a table decided it wasn't needed anymore and they would rather use the money spent on retaining you in the project somewhere else "for the company's sake".

📍 This applies to full-time employees freelancer and contractors and interns.

During a financial crisis when companies let go of their staff, they mainly do it because of uncertainty. It sucks.

Uncertainty is like a black hole and we don't know as humans how to deal with black holes just yet. Similarly during a financial meltdown companies do anything they can to keep the boat floating and don't really have time for emotions.

You should ride this time of uncertainty, if you're being let go, and know that there is 👌 an end to it: The rebirth of the economy always happens.

If you have ever considered picking up a new hobby, traveling around the world with your loved ones, or launching yourself in the bootstrapped world of Indie hacking... Now it's a good time.

Starting a company with your friends this is the perfect time it might lead to unexpected and positive things, as there have been many examples of company being born from the ground up during uncertain times like now. When the financial market is unstable, ex employees who had been let go created multi-million dollar businesses ( i.e. Nerdwallet)

  1. 1

    I fall under this category, i got hired as an independent contractor in November 2021 and was told to "pause work" this month. It sucks because i had to resign from my day job to work with these guys as i saw potential in them.

    I am just confuse on what to do next, getting a new job is so difficult.

    If anyone needs an Android Dev. i am just a DM away.

    1. 1

      Hey friend, don't worry - there are many people on this boat of layoffs!
      Why don't you post your resume or personal website here - maybe some indiehacker will see it and contact you!

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