Need to make a video pitch for a grant - what basic video editing software would you recommend?

Hey, as the title says - I am thinking of a applying for a grant but the application process requires me to create a 3 minute video where I talk about my product. I'd also like to include some imagery and video of the actual product instead of just me talking for 3 minutes so I need some basic video editing.

Surely some indiehacker here already has built a product like this or knows of one so please advise ๐Ÿ˜Š

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    "shortcut" which is open source and free.
    "Open Broadcaster Studio" may be helpful to capture screen to show your product along with your video. Pls. ignore if I am stating the very obvious choices which you already ruled out for some reason.

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    Hi Valentin,
    Here's one - https://cinematicstudio.app - mine, and free while in beta (Windows only). I do think this should be more than sufficient for your needs. Hit me up if there's anything you don't understand or if you run into any issues (even though that should not be the case :D)

    Later edit: assuming you've successfully exported your video project and don't want the watermark - drop me an email, and I'll help.

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      Unfortunately I'm on Mac :(

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        If you have updated your mac, you can download final cut pro X.
        for free. They have a 3 months trial going on, I have been using that ๐Ÿ˜.

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        I think you can just use iMovie then. Good luck!

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    I use hitfilm express and it should be able to do everything you mentioned + its free :-)

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      Thanks, will have a look!

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