Riddey's public beta is out. Please check it out!

It’s been a while since I wrote here, but I wanted to share that we have just released Riddey’s public beta. The last couple of years have been very hard on me: after my co-founder left, I basically had to restart everything from scratch. There were times I thought I was going to give up. I struggled with constant doubt: “Is it worth that much pain and suffering? Why can’t I just get a corporate job and enjoy my life and my family. I am a complete idiot..”. And looking back I am not fully convinced that I would step on this path if I could travel back in time.

But here I am. And there were great things too!! I built a team of great people. We reached the beta version. And all of this without investors, just bootstrapping.

It was also a tremendous learning experience. I had the opportunity of trying out every aspect of running a company. I had a chance to work with great people. I’ve grown to be a much better leader, while becoming more humble. Especially, since I have a much better understanding of my own limitations and strengths. During this journey I met great people and communities. In particular, IndieHackers is super awesome and helpful. The biggest lesson though is that I am nothing without helpful people. So I’d like to ask for your help. How can you help?

  • Check out our website!
  • Sign up to our application. It is free, but every user is a treasurer 🙂
  • Please, give some feedback, so that we can make the application better.
  • If you like our work and can afford it, please purchase a subscription. We need to pay for rent, and food etc
  • If you want to help even more and have some time I’d love to sit down with you for half an hour to see how you use the application to see how we can further improve.

Thank you all in advance.

  1. 2

    It looks polished, good job John!
    I left you specific feedback in the app.
    Weighing pros and cons of trading a corporate gig for bootstrapping is a permanent state of mind for entrepreneurs with families. You are not alone. I hope it gets easier with time. You've walked this far, so you must feel some validation. Keep us posted.

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