Sales numbers for my game and every piece of marketing I did

  1. 2

    Nice one!
    I've created a case study of Among Us. They strategies to viral growth etc.
    You can it out here https://kickstartsidehustle.com/among-us-2/

    1. 1

      Ah I have been waiting for this ; )

    2. 1

      Awesome, thanks for sharing.

  2. 1

    Thanks for sharing! Interesting work!

  3. 1

    Thanks for sharing! Breakdowns like these are always so interesting to see.

    Did you have any communication with the ~50 people who did purchase your game? I would be curious to know what their path to purchase was.

    1. 1

      I have had some communication but only inbound as I don't have contact details for most people who purchased (which is how it should be I think). The best feedback I have had is from people saying "feature X is what would improve your game". If they're a paying customer I am prioritizing their feedback.

  4. 1

    Wow, that really is a labor of love so far!

    One thing I'm curious about is that you wrote that you don't expect many sales after the initial release bump and that you're continuing to polish it. Is there an opportunity to "rerelease" it or is the additional polish mostly for your own learning / fun?

    1. 2

      The polish is because of reputation. I don't want to have a product with defects out in the market. I would like that people who have used my software know that they will get quality if they use something else I have made in the future.

  5. 1

    This is awesome Chris! Hope you are able to get some more sales.

    What type of tech did you use to create the game?

    1. 1

      I used web tech to create the game, starting with my own web based Roguelike game boilerplate and I shipped binaries using Cordova and Electron. I purchased a sprite pack from Oryx Design Lab for the graphics. It took 1.5 months to build the game from nothing. Thanks for reading!

      1. 1

        Have you tried Phaser 3 for game dev? It looks pretty neat, I just started learning it for fun.

        1. 1

          I haven't tried Phaser 3 but it looks cool. Godot engine also looks cool. I used ROT.js for the rendering and a bunch of map generation in my game, and then I layered CSS effects on top.

          1. 1

            Yeah, Godot looks really promising. I'm a bit more interested in Phaser though because I already know js and web development and want to leverage that knowledge and I'm just doing this for fun.

            If I were a serious game dev, I'd be looking at Godot and Unity.

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