Why non-profits should sell NFTs

If like me you're still debating the value of NFTs with your friends, you might be skeptic about the title. But the way I see it right now is that NFTs outside of the metaverse, virtual reality and in-game marketplace collectibles, have one and only use case: flex your wealth. Why would anyone spend millions on a profile pic that looks nothing like them and that can be copied easily ?


OK there's an argument about community and all, but let's be honest: you can get much more "community" out of a million bucks than an NFT can ever provide.
So I would argue that status is the main driver. Now that does not mean I'm in favor of that, and products that are super expensive just for the sake of it or have a disproportionate price / value ratio are terrible... unless they do it for good.

I personally think that spending a ton of cash just because you can, because it makes you feel good or superior, or gives you status is... a waste. But I know nothing, maybe I'd do it too.
However, since this is a thing and people do do that, why not tap into it? If a non-profit sold an NFT to someone that would just spend a ton just to flex their wealth, why not ? That's what I call a win-win-win.

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