Django: schedule tasks

Hey all, I am building a portfolio project where I would like to update my DB periodically (fetcha data from an API).
I have read around that Celery Beat could be the solution. Is it the easiest/quickest way? I do not have a huge experience with Django and do not want to spend a lot of time on a portfolio project.
Can you recommend any resource to start with?

Thanks all in advance!

  1. 1

    I found django_q to be the easiest solution. No need for RabbitMQ, Redis or anything like that. Everything is taken care in django. I'm sure this is not a good solution for high traffic sites, but for your applications I think it is the best.


    1. 2

      Thanks! I ended up using Django version of AP scheduler https://pypi.org/project/django-apscheduler/

      It was verysimple to set-up and suits my use case perfectly.

      1. 2

        Nice, haven't seen this one. Will check it out.

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