#Basics for acquiring new customers for your product

Hi Everyone,

It's great to be back on this amazing platform after some time away!

I wanted to share some basic customer acquisition strategies for your products or services that I've learned and found helpful.

  1. Fully understand your product/service. Create a brand messaging and positioning document that outlines everything, from your product's executive summary to its mission and vision.

  2. Identify your ideal customer persona and their pain points. Incorporate this information into your messaging and positioning document.

  3. Research your top 3 competitors and understand what differentiates them from you and what makes your offering unique.

  4. Instead of randomly reaching out to various industries and verticals, focus on targeting your ideal customer persona. Research your top competitors and identify the industries/verticals of their ideal customers. Prioritize reaching out to those specific industries.

These are just a few pointers to get you started. Please feel free to add your best-working, experimented customer acquisition growth hacks! I'm always looking to learn from amazing Indiehackers community :)

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on March 12, 2024
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