Spotify podcasters are making $18,000 a month with nothing but white noise

  1. 2

    It kinda reinforces the statement that it's not about your product, it's about what people need. White noise satisfies the "need" for better relaxation/attention/relieving anxiety, etc.

    1. 1

      Exactly what I was thinking. This is a great combination of something that people need and a very likely place they are looking to fill that need (Spotify and Apple Podcasts) and payment scheme (i.e. ads) that satisfies all parties involved.

      I imagine he wouldn't be as successful if he tried to sell his product using other means (say an app or just through his own site).

  2. 1

    So the business guy in me asks: How can I create white-noise?

  3. 1

    really ? And i am not even chocked :) ! So cool for them !

  4. 1

    I have to admit, I listened to white noise to fall asleep a couple of years back. I even considered buying a white noise machine. Didn't end up doing it because I found nature sounds, like 1 hour sea waves, or rainforest stuff, more soothing.

  5. 1

    It's all about the attention economy, people consume what they need to satisfy their condition or to manipulate their condition, and white noise is the bridge to their expected condition, as @zerotousers mentioned, the state of relaxation. It's something always in trend but saturated.

  6. 1

    There's a great Reply all episode about this too. It's called Venova King!

  7. 1

    I think this is the same with YouTube. A lot of white noise content is popular on YouTube.

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