💬 Trends #0045 — Paid Communities

  1. 3

    Great article Dru! I’ve heard Founder Summit is really good.

    Thanks for the great year! 🎉

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      👊 Thanks @BraydenTW

      Had the pleasure of hanging in Mexico City with some of the folks before things went crazy. The online community is cool too.

      1. 2


        Best of wishes for the future! 🙃

    2. 1

      @BraydenTW can you link to the summit? Tried to Google it, but there seems to be 100s of Founder Summits.

      1. 2

        Haha no problem 😅

        Here ya go: https://foundersummit.co/

    1. 3

      He addressed it further down in the Haters section.

        1. 2

          No affiliation, but curious as to why https://wip.co/ did not make the cut in #0014 or #0045. Did I miss it?

          Pieter Levels and several makers hang out on WIP, which is run by @marckohlbrugge.

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            This can always be a comment. If 1,000+ paid communities are listed, someone can ask why 1 was left out.

            They are in Trends PRO #0045.

      1. 1

        Thanks but it's pretty confusing. I would suggest Dru provide unique titles for trends else someone like me may think he is repeating himself :)

        1. 2

          Yes I was confused at first as well. Adding "part 2" or "revisited" would do the trick.

          1. 1

            Yes, I felt exactly the same.

  2. 1

    It's interesting that many (most?) of these communities (Trends Pro, TailwindCSS etc) are an extra that people get when they purchase something else.

    There's a product they want, and the community is a bonus. Not saying they wouldn't just pay for that community, but I think there's a difference between that and pure paid communities (no product).

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