Crypto advice?

Hey guys,

Is posting crypto research like this legal even if it says 'not financial advice'?



  1. 1

    Thank you for this nice research you share! Crypto becomes more popular every year. My friend once shared with me this website https://duckdice.io where you can play games and earn cryptocurrencies for it. They have a lot of events and bonuses there. I enjoy playing games and now can even earn some money from it.

  2. 1

    I post strategies on trading all the time and label them "NFA," I think the issue isn't the advice it's the premise under which you provide it. If you are charging money you need permission from some governing body. If you are managing money with said advice, the rigor required is even greater. But jurisdiction does matter and some places might not have laws in place to either prosecute you or require anything be stated formally in advance.

  3. 1

    Very interesting article! Of course, sharing your thoughts on the article is legal. I've personally published an essay about Social Tokens' legal aspects a few months ago and never got any problems.

    The article: https://coinvise.mirror.xyz/AlcEE-8p4iIuKAszmoeYHBNKVlUdANScA3y3HWCeoMg

  4. 1

    This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

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