Best Advice in Ali Abdaal's P/T YouTuber Crash-Course

Here are the most useful tips that Ali Abdaal shares in his 7 day Part Time YouTuber Crash Course. (It’s an email course)

I found it very useful and encouraging, and the course pushed me to publish one video a week for six weeks consistently (so far).

1) YouTube is a fun way to learn, share and meet more people. ❤️

Ali has connected with many exceptional people and with his large audience he gets to talk with many of his idols, such as Austin Kleon.

Life is really about connections and interactions, and this is a brilliant way to supercharge both.

2) It's not too late to start a YouTube Channel ⌛️

Find your audience, even if it’s small. The platform keeps growing so it’s not too late to jump in the game today.

There are no unique messages. Only unique messengers.

3) Stealing Ideas Like An Artist 🕊

Take other people’s ideas and adapt them.

Create what you like to see. Make it authentic to you and you’re golden. ‘Creativity’ really doesn’t have to be that difficult.

4) Be a Guide not a Guru 🌎

The problem with experts is that they don't know what a regular person is dealing with. Coming with the perspective of not knowing everything, you can help your audience with relatable insights.

And when you are clear that you are sharing your journey it can draw people into your story.

And as a last point, Guru credentials really don’t matter. No one cares how many diplomas you have, they just want useful content.

5) Success comes from Consistency and Preparing for Luck 🚀

Consistently posting will help you build a foundation of content for future audiences to consume, and it invites people to come back every week.

Be sure to be prepared for luck. If traffic increases to your channel you want to have a deep stack of useful content for people to check out.

It took me 6 months and posting 53 videos to hit 1,000 subscribers. That is months of idea generating, editing, and churning out videos with little to no audience.

You can find a link to all the emails in the 7th issue 💌

  1. 1

    thanks for the insights :D

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    1. It's not too late to start a YouTube Channel ⌛️

    I don't know if that's true. Unless you are doing something very niche and you can build a small valuable audience, YouTube is one of the few platforms that next-level oversaturated.

    1. 1

      That's a very valid point.
      It helps me to use something else for comparison. In contrast to writing a blog, I have found it much easier to reach people through YouTube.
      If we compare the opportunity to an account with 1 million subscribers, yes, that market is very saturated.
      Also the use growth is incredible - YouTube has seen at least 15% growth in viewer time during 2020, but probably much more (they don't publish stats.).
      Src: The Rabbit Hole Podcast, NYtimes

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