I launched my first product on Gumroad and made my first sale 🎉🎉🎉

Thank you so much everyone parts of this community! I'm indebted to all of you for your support and advice.

For months I was a lurker and an avid consumer of internet products and yesterday I get to change that.

My product is catered to those who are looking to get into coding and further solidify their knowledge.

I recently got a job as a software developer and as part of preparing, I made flashcards to run through all the concepts a day before my coding interview. These flashcards were very beneficial for my prep.

Someone suggested me to create it as an info product and put it on Gumroad. So, I did.

And, here I am, making my first sale!

I couldn't be more excited today.

If you're looking to buy, use coupon code "Student" and get 50% off.

This is my first time launching on Gumroad and I would appreciate any support you can extend towards me.


You can also follow me on twitter to get updates

Thanks again, everyone!

  1. 2

    That's awesome. More and more people should follow this road, as I believe they have things they can sell, but they just don't know it yet :)

  2. 2

    Nice congrats!

  3. 1

    Congrats man! Wish you the best.

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