Best Domain Authority Boosting Services?

I've seen a lot of posts on IH giving away or selling directories to boost domain authority for sites just getting started with SEO.

These directories are great but submission is incredibly time-consuming. It's definitely the kind of service I'd pay to have someone else take on!

While I've seen some people offering this service, I didn't dig too deeply into their offerings at the time. Have any Indie Hackers used (or built) these tools and have some that stand out?

on April 23, 2024
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    I’ve just received the last email from https://www.boringlaunch.com/ - used it to boost https://recurrr.com - and we’ve gotten it from domain ranking 0 to 15 within 10 days. Don’t know if it will stick, but I’m very happy with their services. Didn’t submit to shitty directories, only the ones it made sense. Would recommend.

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    actually, i just built this: https://seocopilot.gumroad.com/l/wsoaj

    This is a list my VA has put together over a 6 months time period.

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      Hey, thanks for the link! I would definitely consider using something like this, it's priced competitively.

      A lot of DA boosters boast higher stats - stuff like 0 to mid-30s. Do you think they're overestimating?

      I have a blog for an e-commerce store I run that has decent DA with a lot of quality backlinks but still has a score just slightly above what some other DA boosters claim to give you, which makes me think some of them are full of it.

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        I think it's important to differentiate between foundational links and DA boosters.

        Foundational links are links from established high DR, high traffic websites which build the link foundation of your website. They will help you to rank and also become a better website others want to link to. These links help you to get started or slightly improve your backlink profile (if you already have DR>20).

        DA boosters are there to manipulate your DA rating without any improvement in clicks.

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    Hmm, I'd stay away from those. Google identifies them pretty fast, I don't see the point in risking getting blacklisted by google

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