Best landing page templates for Carrd?

What are the best landing page templates for Carrd that you have come across?

Looking for something that can serve as a nice idea validation page. With an email sign up included (preferably).

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    I started a side project making Carrd templates - https://www.tempeld.com/

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    There's several made for you at https://drrac.co .

    If you have knowledge about Carrd and want to build your own unique layout I would recommend "UI KIT", it will give you blocks as a good starting point that you can modify.
    Here's a video example of how you can use it to create a landing page:

    1. 2

      Thank you Ryden. Checked out Drrac and going to pick something out later today! I've played around with Carrd in the past so familiar with how it works.

      1. 1

        Great, if you would have any more questions or requests just DM me on Twitter https://twitter.com/RydenMartin

  3. 3

    Thanks for asking this question! I was kinda disappointed at the variety of current templates Carrd provides. But thanks to your question, I learnt @Ryden's drrac from the answers. And those templates were beautiful!

    Kudos to @Ryden for creating drrac.co!

    1. 1

      Thanks, appreciate it :)

      I felt the same way and that's why I created Drrac 😁

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