Best tool to implement referral program?

Hi all, looking to implement a referral program for https://alertstays.com. Something like get a month free for each user you refer that becomes a paying user. Any idea of a good indiehacker friendly tool for this?


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    I use LemonSqueezy's referral and email marketing tools since they come included with the payment processor.

    They're more expensive than alternatives and it adds platform risk to my business, but at such an early stage saving time by working with a single API and dashboard is more valuable to me than wiring together multiple services.

    But if I were locked into a different payment processor ecosystem I would've made different decisions!

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      Thanks great insights, also using Lemon Squeezy here and feel the same about adding multiple services.

      From what I understand the affiliates get cash/rev share and not a discount code right?

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        From what I understand the affiliates get cash/rev share and not a discount code right?

        The affiliate and discount codes don't seem to be linked - I wish they were!

        You can create an affiliate and then generate an affiliate-specific discount code, though.

  2. 1

    You could check out ReferralCandy or GrowSurf. I think they are easy to use, never tried them myself but heard a lot of positive things about them.

    1. 2

      Didn't know about them, thanks!

  3. 1

    The best tool to implement a referral program depends on various factors such as the nature of your business, target audience, budget, and desired features. Some popular tools for referral programs include ReferralCandy, Ambassador, and Mention Me. These platforms offer features like automated reward tracking, customizable referral links, performance analytics, and integration with e-commerce platforms. Consider factors like ease of use, scalability, customer support, and compatibility with your existing systems when choosing a referral program tool to maximize its effectiveness and ROI.

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