Board Game, Lego related

I've been making board games since I was a kid, and have a pretty good grasp of the intricacies behind game design, and have also, on the computer side of things, designed many maps for various games on the half-life platform.

My wife and I play with 2 other couples at least weekly with various board games. I noticed that with 6 or 8 players, some can get really boring when the conversation is at a lul because some of our players take a long time.

I've recently rediscovered Lego and learned that there is a whole new world of adult Lego (and off-brand Lego) communities. So I was thinking, I could kind of meld the two, and design a board game using Lego pieces. That way it gives players something to do while they're waiting for their turn to come around.

I did just that, I'm nearing completion. Was thinking of a simple landing page, selling the plans for a really small fee ($5? $10) and offering the rules in PDF, along with the instructions on how to build the game pieces. There are plenty of people selling plans for Lego builds, and I connected with one guy who created a Lego game but gives away his plan for free. Might be a market for this, who knows.

Anyhow, just posted this as a feeler to see if anyone else is doing anything similar with any mashups or has any thoughts.


posted to
on July 20, 2022
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    Hello @antarctican, do you have any updates on your progress? I'm a big fan of both board games and Lego. My idea, similar to a board game and Lego, is leaning towards "Project L". It incorporates deck building, engine building, and puzzle-solving, and I think it's a fantastic way to integrate Lego into a multiplayer board game.

    I remember a Lego board game, "Life of George", that was so much fun, but unfortunately, it's no longer available.

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      Hello @chemix it's been quite some time since I've visited IH. Yes, there has been a lot of work behind the scenes on the games I'm producing but not much in the way of public updates I'm afraid. I should probably change that.

      Your idea sounds interesting, do you plan to do anything with it?

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    LEGO has the theme dedicated to LEGO Board Games however LEGO discontinued this series. They have also developed PC Games related to various LEGO themes.

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