Building a project management software for freelancers

After my last post here, I quickly started working on a prototype of a project/meeting/client management software for freelancers. Currently working on the UI and it looks like this at the moment. The features I have in mind are:

  1. Project Tracker (with priority based modules/tasks)
  2. Client Management
  3. Scheduling Meetings
  4. A client Portal from where clients can see the progress of their projects as well as make changes to the priorities of certain tasks/modules
    What are your thoughts about it
posted to
on June 20, 2022
  1. 1

    A good start. Something to muse on: Why would I use this instead of
    a more established solution? Like toggl? What is your selling point?

    1. 1

      I'm not really that familiar with toggl so can't really compare my software with it. But I guess giving a client portal, which allows clients to interact with the project (in a way that doesn't hinder the freelancers workflow), setting meetings and stuff are my core features

  2. 1

    Looking good! Make sure it's white-labeled so freelancers or agencies can put their own logo for the client portal. Just a feature I would like :)

    1. 1

      Oh yeah making it white-label is definitely on my backlog. But currently I'm more focused on getting the main features done ;)

  3. 1

    That's a nice looking design, @infraredCoding.

    I know it's still early days on this project, but what are you proposing that would make using your tool better than something more general purpose or multiple "best of breed" type applications? What's your big reason why?

    1. 1

      Honestly that's a good question. I guess my value proposition at least for now is to provide a simple, all-in-one (at least all the main functions that a freelancer might need) portal. I mean yeah people can opt to use multiple softwares that does ome particular thing extremely well. But I guess I like things organised

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