Building another app to help golfers improve

A few weeks ago, I had an(other) idea to change the way that I practice my golf game.

I've used video analysis apps for many years to analyse my golf swing to look for areas to improve, but I've always felt there was something missing which could make the whole process better and easier.

  1. Real-time feedback - wouldn't it be great if the app intelligence knew could identify good/bad swing moves instantly?

  2. Remote control - eliminate the back and forth from the camera by streaming the video to a second device, giving me a 'live' view of my swing

After a quick survey of the technology landscape, I set about learning to code for iOS to knock together a very quick and dirty MVP.

A couple of weeks later, and a testable version is ready. Check out this video for the early results.

I'm trying to "build in public" if anyone wants to follow along...

Really keen to get any feedback - does this feel like something useful?

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on August 14, 2021
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