BuyMeACoffee web3: Receive tips in crypto

While working on a crypto/nft related site, I wanted to add a "support this app" button/widget similar to ko-fi or Buy Me A Coffee (but of course for crypto payments).

I realized it might make for a good standalone app, so I decided to build an MVP and share it here: https://web3tip.xyz

Here's the basic rundown of how it works and some thoughts so far:

  • Login/create a page with a MetaMask wallet (decided to start with the most popular wallet by far, to cover the most users with the least effort for MVP)

  • You now have a profile page where users are presented with a UI to send crypto directly to your wallet via either MetaMask or WalletConnect (for mobile, many other wallets)

  • Via the settings page you can also change your username, add a Solana wallet to receive funds via a phantom wallet (much like MetaMask but for Solana), and there is a copyable link to your profile as well as a simple html snippet to add a button to a website (very basic/not editable for now)

  • I think it could be useful for people to add the button widget to a website or adding the profile link somewhere on a website/social media profile/link in bio product in order to easily accept crypto rather than building their own solution or simply posting their wallet address

That's it for now but please let me know what you think and what more I could add if you believe another feature or something else could be valuable to you.

Here's a profile page to see what it looks like (this is a page I made for Ukraines official crypto donation wallet): https://web3tip.xyz/p/Ukraine-Crypto-Donation


  1. 1

    I had the same idea recently and thought about implementing something. If I understand correctly, I can only have one donation page for my wallet? Would be cool to be able to create multiple donation pages e.g. for different projects :)

    1. 1

      Yeah I thought about this too, being able to decouple the account/login from the donation pages and what wallets they use would be useful in many ways. Thanks for the feedback!

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