I'm building a reverse job board for product designers: an ideal role board.

I see endless posts on LinkedIn and Twitter that go by the waste side because we're all too burnt out to care about companies hiring, plus we each have a finite number of people in our network. Or, I get hit up by recruiters for roles that I would never be interested in, or companies I know I would never work for (ahem Facebook).

Companies spend lots of time and money wasted on recruiting by contacting uninterested candidates, what if they could go right to a place to find people that want to do what the company needs? Also, recruiting is riddled with bias -- what if all you went by was what a person did, and what they wanted.

Isn't there a better way? I built an MVP site where designers can tell companies what they want to be doing --> https://myperfectjob.club/

I'd love any feedback y'all have, as well as if you would create your profiles on here.

Here's the product URL on IndieHackers: https://www.indiehackers.com/product/myperfectjob

** Update: I added in salary range, and 2 'fun' questions: What is your spirit animal and would you to the past or the future if you had a time machine. **

posted to
Product Design
on April 22, 2022
  1. 4

    Such a cool idea! In Europe there are a lot of similar job boards for Software Engineers that make it easier for companies to find candidates that are

    1. Searching for jobs
    2. Excited about the same technologies the job offers
    3. Have salary expectations matching the job salary range

    I think in general they add a huge amount of transparency to the whole process for everyone and makes the job search (at least for me) super painless. IMO the best one (in Germany at least) is https://www.honeypot.io/. It has some cool extra functionality like allowing you to not be seen by your current employer, so they don't know you are considering other opportunities.

    Very cool idea! Just followed you on Twitter to follow your progress 🚀

    1. 1

      Are there public facing profiles that I can see, or are they all gated behind an account and paywall?

      1. 1

        I think that outsiders + applicants can't really see anything and that companies can see suggested applicants.

        1. 1

          This is by design -- it's meant to hide names/genders to help make everyone just look like a person. Then for the recruitment side, you can focus in on a sector (business type/job role/experience/etc.) to try to find a few candidates that seem like great places to start with.

          Does that make sense, or are you saying something else?

    2. 1

      Thank you! I dig honeypot as well, plus the name is a nice nod to devs =)

      For context, in MyPerfectJob, all you see before contacting a person is their initials and you can't see the name of the company they work at, so it's very anonymous. Therefore, current employers can't see any current employees either.

      I like the tech idea, I have a few nods to this, but nothing as explicit -- as this platform matures, customization based on role is likely a path to explore.

      Cheers, thanks for the follow on twitter!!

  2. 3

    I loved it!
    I've just shared it with some friends of mine! Congrats!

    I'm building something quite similar but focused on Software Engineers.

    It's a matchmaking app where the companies can only contact the developers that have liked them. We've designed some other features, but now we're focusing on getting the first companies to sign up.

    I'm not satisfied with the landing page, but the core app is already working.
    Check it out -> https://www.migii.com.br

    If you want to connect and share thoughts about it, hit me up on LinkedIn :)

    1. 2

      Amazing; thank you so much =)

      I’ll definitely connect with you and we can find time to sync up next week or so.

      I’ll dig into your project as well — it seems like this is the future of hiring (hopefully) 🤘👍🏻

  3. 3

    like the idea. not sure how to execute. but good luck!

    1. 2

      Same here. I valued the idea and started filling out a profile, but after onboarding, I landed on a "not found" page.

      I liked that everything was anonymous and focused on the ideas! I look forward to seeing the product grow.

      1. 1

        D'oh; Sorry Kailyn =(

        I'll email you to follow-up; bummer about that!

        But the anonymity is what I'm also very keen on --- start with what the person has done, then what they want to do next; and hopefully who are they are matters least.

    2. 1

      Thanks! The first step for me is just getting profiles added, then connecting with recruiters and some companies I know to get their feedback. A lot of unknowns, but I'm excited to keep digging here =)

  4. 3

    Really cool idea! Imagine being approached by a recruiter that actually read your profile.

    1. 2

      Yes! That's the goal for sure =)

      Example: recruiter is hiring for a music start-up and they want a growth designer. They can do a quick search to find a handful (or more) of profiles who match this, and then decide who to contact from these. Wouldn't that be a more interesting way to try to hire great candidates??

      Thank you though!

  5. 2

    Congrats! Great job!
    We also made something similar. To help jobseekers protect themselves from online job search scams, we recently made a site (www.effizojobs.com) that lets people who are looking for virtual or remote jobs find and apply to only hand-screened and verified remote jobs.

    1. 1

      Thank you! How is your site going? Are you all finding success with anything in particular?

  6. 2

    I can’t wait to see this grow. Imagine the time and effort this will save both parties involved. Get marketing and product management in there too! I’ll be following along!

    1. 2

      Ask and you shall receive! I updated the messaging to be more broad for all of product (designers, managers, marketers, and developers). I'd love it if you gave it a whirl now, and shared with colleagues if you think it's useful =)

    2. 1

      Thank you; me too! That's exactly the goal I have in mind: reducing time to finding the right candidates for roles. I am hoping to move beyond product design soon -- it started as having every/any type of role, but I wanted to start small to get some traction but there's no reason this can't work for any role =)

  7. 2

    Loved the idea, as mentioned in my prev comment. I'd suggest you take a look at some basic accessibility issues, like color contrast and font sizes. Those green buttons with white text don't meet AA from WCAG—even less AAA.

    1. 1

      Good points -- I try to incorporate accessibility, but I can update contrast for sure; thanks for the suggestion =)

  8. 2

    Super interesting idea!

    One question that comes to mind: how do you make sure that recruiters actually take the job wishes of designers into consideration? On LinkedIn I get messages from recruiters all the time where it's obvious that they haven't looked into my profile.

    1. 1

      Thank you!!

      For your question, it's a good one -- I don't 100% have the answer, but once there are enough good candidates on here, this is where recruitment can start from.

      If you work in-house or external, the value prop is why not start from a pool of candidates that want to do this job in this industry, and even for this company.

      That's the goal really, to cut down that hoping of aligning on what the company wants and what the candidate wants.

      So at this point, it becomes an education piece.

  9. 2

    This idea looks great so far. It actually reminds me of an idea I had a while back until I realized it was just another ATS in the end. This took that idea a whole new direction and I'm excited for it. Can't wait to see developer positions here as well, I'll be your first sign-up!

    1. 1

      Awesome! Thank you Nick! Yes, the original idea was any job type, and that's still the plan, but focusing on designers to try to get some traction.

      Another facet here is that companies can browse profile of people who want to work for them --- loads of interesting opportunities to do there. For example: https://myperfectjob.club/explore/company/figma

  10. 2

    I love this concept Jeff! I look forward to seeing the concept (hopefully) expand to skillsets beyond design alone.

    I think you can monetize the data / insights that you generate as you achieve scale as well. You're creating a real-time macro view on designers shifting priorities and goals, which could help companies proactively make changes to compensation, working hours, location requirements, etc. before they lose people. I'm sure HR Departments or Consultancies would pay for those insights.

    1. 1

      Thank you!! I agree 100%, on both fronts. I started with the idea of any person using this, and that's still the long-term goal b/c there's no reason not to. However, to try to get some traction I wanted to niche down to product design.

      And understanding what people want from ideal roles (i.e. what are the real factors that motivate people at work) could be a gold mine. For now, I just want to try to help people do what they really want to though =)

      Want to give it a try and create a free profile?

      1. 1

        Sure thing - just created a profile. Totally understand the focus on a single niche.

        Some points of feedback:

        • I struggled with the yes/no industries. I think those fields would be easier as drop-downs / check boxes. There's more industries that I would select for both if I could see them, but it's harder to think them up yourself.

        • Because this is all about me describing the job and the work-situation I want, I'd potentially add more optional questions (again - probably check boxes / dropdowns to make it easy)... ideal salary range, time zone preferences, appealing / unappealing cultural norms, etc. Extra questions can be annoying, but you're going to bring more of the "Me" out and what I really want.
          As you grow, I think recruiters and designers alike will appreciate having that extra layer of honest/candid filtering.

        1. 2

          PS - apologies if inappropriate to shill my own stuff here... (I'm newish to IH) but I'm testing / developing two services... https://www.adventurementor.xyz & https://www.talksmb.com. Would appreciate any feedback you're willing to share.

          1. 1

            I think these are both really interesting concepts here -- for the SMB, I would pay to book time with a given set of SMB owners to pick their brains?

            The adventure mentor is also a very cool concept --- makes total sense for non-team sports and getting more people into them.

            How are they both going so far? What's the best channel you've found for growing them?

        2. 1

          Thanks Jake! This is great to hear -- I have more plans for more Qs certainly, and this is a natural way to nudge people to come back and tweak their profiles. But, still good to hear now =)

          The industry stuff is a good too -- I will add a way to view existing industries to help people out.

          Much appreciated!!

  11. 2

    I like your idea. I have some experience in recruitment and I know firsthand how difficult it is to find good candidates. The same applies in reverse.

    After reading your profile I have one concern though. Especially, if this service is intended for recruiters. They skim résumés and LinkedIn profiles and they are used to certain way the profile is presented.

    It should be easy for them to decide whether you're the right candidate or not. I am not sure whether the current format is the best.

    Have you tried to talk to some recruiters? They could provide some useful pointers.

    1. 1

      Yeah, I've connected with a few -- conceptually I do agree with you, so the layout and presentation can be adjusted easily, it's the data we're capturing that is the most important part. Once there are a handful more profiles on there, I also think it will be easier for actual recruiters to give more tangible feedback.

      This is meant to be more of a sniff-test and zeroing in on X candidates that look good AND show interest in a given role / business type / company. There would still be deeper conversations past this.

      However, this is great pushback / feedback -- thank you!

  12. 2

    Nice! This is such a good idea. But have you thought about anonymity? People who are, for example, keen to explore opportunities that are totally different from what they're currently doing, might not want their existing employer to see that they're perhaps losing interest in their current role/perhaps even their entire sector.

    1. 1

      Thank you!! Yes, I have -- it's all anonymous until a person hiring decides to contact you. I.e. all you see is the person's initials and what they are doing, and what they want to be doing. I am also hoping to help take bias a bit out of the process, obviously it can't be removed 100%.

  13. 1

    Hey Jeff! Congrats on your launch. I've got a HR startup for 5 years. Pivoted from typical job board and community to body leasing platform. I think this is great because you've got a long term revenue, with your plan, this is not stable.

    1. Why not body leasing of your candidates?
    2. How would it be different from HoneyPot?
    3. What is your current MRR?
    4. How did you validate this idea?
    5. What's your stack?
    6. How do you get leads - candidates and companies?
    7. I think there is not enough info in candidate's pages. How do you plan to develop this?
    8. Are you going on that fulltime?
    1. 1

      Thanks! I much appreciate the questions here --- I am not sure what you mean by body leasing, if I am being honest, however.

      I have no revenue yet, still need to prove lots of things out, but the idea is solid (even if I am not the one to crack it). I haven't seen a Honeypot profile, so I can't say yet how it would be different there, but for a company hiring, I can see all profiles (just not names) and explore by different facets (power search features are hidden until more profiles exist) and ideally focus in on 2-5 candidates that really meet their needs.

      I haven't fully validated it (i.e. paying customers) but I did speak with 4 recruiters that showed a lot of interest, if the supply side was strong enough.

      I am just trying to get any leads I can now on the candidate side before starting to even make a play for the hiring side, so lots more to come there.

      There might not be enough details on the profile, but trigger-based emails to nudge candidates to add more is on my radar, but this is also not meant to replace LinkedIn or normal recruitment processes. It's meant to make it easier to find ideal candidates to start from.

      I'd love to go full-time, but that is still a long-ways away =)


      Thank you again for the detailed questions here!

  14. 1

    battle of warships hack use

  15. 1

    Hy Jeff your Idea seems really impactful and also can be implemented in few other industries too by working backwards, I am too working on building a Reward-based Hiring ecosystem and Job Portal based for Indian guys, Let's connect to share some Ideas or stuff around this!

    1. 1

      Thank you! I am really hopeful it can have a positive impact, including the bias and diversity angle as well as so much can be done there.

      I’d love to connect — I’ll do so next week if that works for you 🤘

      1. 1

        That's awesome mate, do ping me here or on Telegram @info_rewint or on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/kush-bhat-rewint7

        I am open to discussing any other stuff too... feel free to connect with me

  16. 1

    Have got to buy the idea
    It's what o cant ignore imma go get my site traffic here I believe I have candidates who render products design service online here

  17. 0

    A good place to find a product designer is a freelancer website like 5iverr, 5iverr has lots of creative and professional products designer that' are affordable to hire ,if you need my recommendation click here >>https://bit.ly/3wutg8P

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