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Feedback for my new product needed

Hi Hackers 👋

I've released a new product recently called UX Stack Guru.

Just to give you a quick intro. It's a product for Figma/FigJam that helps UX designers, product managers, designs teams in their daily work without needing to use different tools, paying for multiple subscriptions, remembering logins, or switching between tools back and forth as everything is packed in Figma.

I've always wanted to create a product that would allow me as a designer to handle the entire UX process in the tool I use most often, which is Figma. Without the need to purchase countless subscriptions, constantly switch among different tools, learn those tools, deal with the lack of collaboration, or the fact that each tool has a different style, so after the process is finished there is no coherence in produced work. So, I came up with the idea that I can create something like this in Figma, which besides its popularity and versatility already has built-in collaboration. Thanks to this, many people can work on the UX process at the same time and use the same solutions.

Here's the link https://www.uxstack.guru/ I'd really appreciate it if you could tell me what you think about the idea itself, as well as whether the landing page is clear enough for you.

Thank you!

  1. 1

    oh.. you have 2 posts for same thing. Can we not assign multiple groups for 1 post here on IH??? odd. Anyhoo.. replied in other post.

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