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Looking for early feedback

Hi Fellow IndieHackers!

I'll be quick,
Looking for early feedback on pricing, packages and lastly landing page design.
Link: https://www.bubblewrap.design/

We're trying to productise design services into monthly subscriptions, yet to find the PMF.

  1. 1

    It seems that you are communicating that people can save money with your design proces bit you mentioned that you haven't found the right PMF.

    I would ask if you know who you are targeting and why do they want designs from you. There is also Generative AI abound. You should find a reason behind good design to get more users.

    For example, how can your designs streamline onboarding so that people can understand the app better. How does your designs connect to the bottom line?

    For me, I run a video production service for companies because video raises conversion rates.

    By the way, if you are interested ina free landing page video script, feel free to let me know by replying to this message.

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