Seeking Advice: Starting My Coding Journey to Build Products

Hello Indie Hackers!

I am new to coding and have recently started learning Python through Replit's '100 days of code' challenge.

I am eager to start building products and would appreciate any advice on where to continue my coding journey. Should I continue with Python or explore other programming languages?

What resources would you recommend for building practical coding skills? Any tips on how to stay motivated throughout the learning process?

I would greatly appreciate any feedback or advice from the Indie Hacker community.

Thank you!

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    Hey! Python is a great language to start with and depending on what you want to build(e.g. web apps) you can learn other tools/frameworks like Flask and Django. What other languages you might want to learn also depends on what you want to build, you can't really go wrong with HTML CSS and JavaScript to start with for web stuff.

    Learning SQL could be very useful for working with databases additionally and although you didn't ask, learning about marketing, advertising, graphic design etc is invaluable when starting a business or you can pair up with someone else who knows about them.


    1. 1

      Thank you, I have started the course now, I am in 32nd day! Also, I want to learn about apple environment to build app, I found a course at Udemy. I started it, feeling very good about this new dırectıon.

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    I'd say explore other languages that are easier to build products in such as web languages or mobile development

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    I don’t exactly know the full roadmap of this challenge but if I was in your position, I would start to learn just the basics of Python and then try to do something big for what I have personal interest (Probably the most basic advice a can give but still the best imo)

    Otherwise, I struggle a lot to stay focus and motivated on a project for which I don’t find any interest …

    Hope that your challenge will be successful!

    1. 1

      Thanks, it is going well. Also, learning swift from Udemy and Youtube :)

  4. 1

    Go get it Berkay! The journey is not easy when starting but it's very rewarding.
    It depends on what you want to build. Python is a great language widely adopted and very verstile.
    In my case I'm interested in web development and HTML, JS and CSS are the basic building blocks.

    1. 1

      Thanks for the support, I will start a challenge for myself and share it. It will be interesting. I hope it will be rewarding.

  5. 1

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  6. 1

    Python is an amazing starting point and an incredibly versatile tool. With it you can create so many different things. Therefore, I would recommend sticking to it for now, unless your intention is to specialize in front-end development.

    I can't recommend any courses, but I think it would be great to build some tool or play with your newly acquired skills as soon as possible.

    There are some essential tools and libraries I think everyone should learn to use in the beginning of their journey: Jupyter Notebook, Pandas, Flask, Requests (any suggestions?). Also I found a cool library recently, what makes it easy to build simple GUI - Pynecone.

    Use these tools to build something fun. Maybe a frontend for ChatGPT? Or analyze some data from a huge csv and visualize it? Or maybe try machine learning with scikit-learn? Sky is the limit! Play iwth it and you'll learn quickly.

    1. 1

      Some cool stuff, thanks for the recommendations.

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