Law student turned freelancer

Hi, everyone! 👋🏾

I'm a final year law student and aspiring freelancer.

I started my entrepreneurship journey when I was 17 (I'm 20 now) and so far, I've started 8 businesses, failed at 6, succeeded at 2 (yh, entrepreneurship sucks😢 but it's fun🤷🏾‍♀️🙃)

Since I'm in my final year, I decided to start a service-based business and remain a solopreneur even after I graduate.

I will be sharing my journey as a freelance writer: the wins, the mistakes, the failures and the lessons💃🏾

How has your freelance journey been so far?
I'm curious🙂

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    I'm exactly the same actually :) studied as a lawyer then turned freelancer, then a software engineer, and now again getting back into entrepreneurship.

    What helped me make the switch was attending a lot of events, conferences and being active in the online space. Word of mouth is the best way to discover clients.

    How's it going for you so far?

    1. 2

      Yay! :)
      It's nice to finally meet someone who relates.

      Hi, Toli!
      Word of mouth is definitely one of the best ways to discover clients.
      Right now, I don't have access to physical events so I'm trying to leverage the online space.

      My freelance journey is going well so far.

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