Radical Differentiation

Brand guru Marty Neumeier describes radical differentiation as
"both good and different."

So what's good?

Well. You don't decide this; customers do. Some (but not all) of the markers for this can be elements that your audience value such as:

-depth of information
-speed, style
-transparency etc.

So what's different?

Different can be described as any elements that make your offering stand out to your audience amongst the others in your category or community.

These could include:

-maximal and so on.

Good and different means you may provide the correct offering for some because "good", but still get declined because "different".

You couldn't ask for anything better than this!. When you approach different through honesty (the honesty of knowledge, your story, transparency and style) and share the journey of who you are, all you have to lose are the audience members who were never going to be a part of your journey in the first place.

The magic part is that through diligent conviction of your "different", even the naysayers can both get it, respect it and eventually even like it too (but don't hold your breath).

Different is the filter you didn't know you needed until you do.

Hopefully, that time is now.

Please chime in if you have thoughts on this, I would love to understand how you all feel. All feedback is welcome.

🌝Be sure to check out my product that addresses this concept and more🌞

The Visual Content Toolkit is now available for pre-order

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