Looking for some testers for my dynamic personal page builder

Hey IH. I've had this idea for the past couple of years to build a drag-n-drop page builder that can show data from different sources in real time (for example, the latest post from Instagram, or your recently played tracks on Spotify).

I've had a few people test it out, but am looking for some more users to get some more feedback. If you have a moment to create a page and share some feedback about the product and UX, would be very grateful!

Here's a link to my page (and you create a new account/page at the top right).



  1. 1

    Hey I love the idea and product as well. It seems good specifically for micro influencer to showcase all there social handles across one place . Will check out when have the invitation code.

    1. 1

      Thanks for your feedback! Feel free to use this invite code to try it out: GLOW-bkgO2x2IzT

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